


Teach you how to set up xlog and experience Web3 immediately!

What are the differences between xlog and traditional blogs?#

Traditional blogs are generally built by companies or enterprises as a public platform, where users send information to the platform and it is then displayed, such as on Zhihu. There are also personal websites where data is stored on one's own server and displayed through a public IP or CDN like CloudFlare.
xlog, on the other hand, uses blockchain technology. Your data will be saved and verified by multiple sources, ensuring high availability and tamper resistance. You only need to keep sending data, and every node in the blockchain will store your data (like having millions of free CDNs serving your blog).
Of course, this is not free. Every modification to the blockchain adds burden to the nodes, so each of your operations will incur a certain fee (very cheap, CrossBell provides a website where you can get 0.02 CSB daily at CrossBell Faucet). You just need to focus on writing your blog and then bind a custom domain for public access!

Rough process:#

Create a wallet -> Get free virtual currency -> Write a blog -> Bind a custom domain

Start using xlog!#

  1. If you are in mainland China, please use a VPN.
  2. First, you need a wallet. Here, we recommend MetaMask, a browser extension. You can install it from MetaMask extension on Microsoft Edge. After installation, you need to create a wallet and remember your mnemonic phrase. Once the wallet is successfully created, you will get a wallet ID starting with 0x, as shown in the image:
    Copy it down.
  3. Then go to CrossBell Faucet and enter your wallet ID in the Address field to receive 0.02 CSB.
  4. Now, you can start writing blog posts. Note that each publication and modification requires a certain amount of CSB to be paid (very little).
  5. Finally, due to certain reasons, cannot be accessed in mainland China. You need to bind your own domain for public access. Go to the xlog dashboard, select the settings in the lower left corner, then select "Domain". Here, you can configure a custom domain (CNAME resolution + TXT verification), as shown in the image:
    After that, you can access your blog through the custom domain you set (SSL certificates will be automatically issued by xlog for your domain, but it may take some time, so initially it may show as insecure).

Customize your xlog!#

  • Set up an "About Us" or "Privacy Policy" page (custom page):#

    1. Go to the xlog dashboard, select the "Pages" on the left side, write and publish. Check your page link, for example:
    2. Go to the xlog dashboard, select the settings in the lower left corner, then select "Navigation", and fill in the page link, for example:
    3. Go to your blog homepage, and you will see the navigation.
    1. Go to the xlog dashboard, select the settings in the lower left corner, then select "Social Platforms", and fill in the social media links. You can refer to chunks for the format. Fill in the standard format as shown in the image:
      xlog settings are shown in the image:
    2. It will be displayed on the blog homepage.


Share your blog now!

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.