


Teach you how to build your own anime library! Achieve fully automated anime tracking!

Summary: This article may be a bit difficult to understand for those who are not familiar with this area, but it's okay, just read it a few more times!

Install qbittorrent#

Used for downloading anime

  1. Different systems have different installation methods. If you are installing the non-nox version, remember to open WebUI in the settings and listen on

Install AutoBangumi#

Used to fetch your subscribed anime and automatically initiate download tasks when they are updated

  1. Install Docker, different systems have different installation methods

  2. Create a docker-compose.yaml file in a folder you like, and write the following content:

    version: "3.8"
      image: ""
      container_name: AutoBangumi
        - ./config:/app/config
        - ./data:/app/data
        - "7892:7892"
      network_mode: bridge
      restart: unless-stopped
        - TZ=Asia/Shanghai
        - PGID=$(id -g)
        - PUID=$(id -u)
        - UMASK=022

    1. Run the command: docker compose up -d

    2. Go to localhost:7892, default account: admin, default password: adminadmin

    3. Click on the settings icon on the left -> Download settings, enter the downloader information, and then click the apply button in the lower right corner until the green light in the upper right corner is on

    1. Go to Mikanime, register an account, and subscribe to the anime you want (click on the anime image and then subscribe to the subtitle group separately!!! Do not subscribe directly to the anime, as it will subscribe to all subtitle groups!), then get your RSS feed from the subscription bar at the top

    1. Go back to AutoBangumi, click on the + button in the upper right corner, and add the RSS feed

    1. Wait quietly, AutoBangumi will automatically download the latest episode of the anime you subscribed to, unless there are any unexpected issues

    Download old episodes or completed anime#

    1. First, I recommend a few resource websites (prepare a VPN): 1. ACG.RIP 2. Apocalypse Anime Resource Website

    2. Find the anime you want to download

    Standardize renaming#

    In order for the software to correctly scrape metadata and episodes, we need to standardize the renaming.

    Note! You only need to ensure the anime name is correct! The subdirectory can be automatically renamed using the script later! If you are unsure of the anime name: The Movie Database (TMDB) (

    First-level directory (download directory set in qbittorrent): No need to rename

    Second-level directory (anime name, must be correct): It's just too cute

    Third-level directory (which season of the anime): Season 1

    Fourth-level directory (which episode of the anime season): S01E01.MP4

    1. Go to Episode-ReName, clone the repository

    2. For Windows, you can use Right-click menu automatic path version.bat and select Automatic episode naming by right-clicking on the first-level directory. If using the .py script, you can only use python "D:/qbdownloads/bangumi"

    Install Plex#

    Used for watching anime

    1. Download Plex Media Server

    2. Launch. Default port is 32400

    3. Select your media library folder

    4. Enable remote access, go to settings in the upper right corner -> Remote Access

    1. Enjoy watching

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